St. Patrick’s Day – 2018

Greetings members!  By golly, St. Patrick’s Day (March 17) falls right on a Saturday this year.  What better way to celebrate the day and watch the parade come down Washington Avenue than at the Rooms?  Steward Dan Graves is preparing Corned Beef and Irish Cuddle.  Food will be ready as members arrive after 12 noon with a dish to share, and corned beef soon after.  Please bring enough booze to share as well, and we should all have a great time!  The door will be open no later than 12 noon.  Feel free to bring a guest or two.  Let’s pray for a nice warm dry day.  It would be very helpful for planning to have some idea as to how many are coming.  Please let Dan ( or me know so we can coordinate.

Yours aye,  Frank Alguire, Secretary to the Society