Foundation for the Preservation of Historic Scottish Monuments

Foundation for the Preservation of Historic Scottish Monuments in the City of Albany

A Foundation Established in Memory of Martha Creighton

The Foundation was established by a gift of Roger L. Creighton in memory of his wife, Martha, in September 2014.  Roger, a member of the Society since 1981, served as President of the Society 1993-1995. Martha was present at the many social functions of the Society such as St. Andrew’s Nicht, Burns Night, and the Past Presidents Dinner.  Roger remained a strong supporter of the Society and its work until his death in 2017.

Mary & Roger Creighton
Mary & Roger Creighton

Purpose of the Foundation

The purpose of the Foundation is to prevent the long-term deterioration of historic Scottish monuments in the Capital District of New York to the extent feasible.

Membership of the Board of the Foundation

The Board consists of three to five Resident Members in good standing of the Society.  The term of service on the Board is three years and the term may be renewed.  The Board consults with experts for advice on restoration projects.

Responsibilities of the Board

  1. Evaluate the condition of the monuments to determine the maintenance or repair needs.
  2. Receive and act on requests for funds to help in the maintenance and repair of the monuments.
  3. Develop and implement programs to raise funds for the Foundation.
  4. Develop an annual financial budget for the Foundation that will include expenses for the repair and maintenance of the monuments and administrative expenses if any.
  5. The finances and operation of the Foundation will be audited annually by the Society’s audit committee.

Relationship of the Foundation to the Board of Managers of the Society

The Board of Managers of the Society delegates all administrative and financial responsibilities of the Foundation to the Board of the Foundation.

 Gifts to enable the work of the Foundation

Gifts to enable the work of the Foundation are tax deductible and may be sent to the Treasurer of the Society and made payable to the St. Andrew’s Society of the City of Albany with the notation “Monument Foundation.”  The Society is a 501-c3 organization.

Inquiries about the Foundation 

Inquiries about the Foundation may be directed to the St. Andrews Society general mailing or email addresses on our Contact Page.

Monuments for Preservation